Epitaph: Biomass Plant Buyout (They did it anyway and now they "own it").
to the Sun: GREC Buyout: “Falling on Deaf Ears”
If ever
there was the appearance of a carefully orchestrated setup, potentially
violating Florida Sunshine Laws, that was how the City Commission’s hearing on
the proposed GREC biomass plant “Asset Purchase Agreement (APA)” on August 24
felt. Several Commissioners telegraphed their positions before any member of
the public was permitted to speak. The
two newest members, those with the most time left in their terms and not facing
reelection anytime soon, and perhaps, with more pressing political debts to
pay, led the charge to approve the purchase, with Commissioner David Arreola quickly
moving for its approval, and Commissioner Harvey Ward, seconding it, reading a
long written statement, clearly prepared in advance.
18 citizens voiced opposition to the purchase, and only one supported it. No need for “behind the scenes” backers to
appear; the votes were already in and they knew it. However, if Mayor Lauren Poe signs the APA as
he is set to do by September 14, he will “own it”.
For the
record, I did not call for a "fraud investigation" as the Sun
reported. Although the original GREC Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) reeks with
the stench of rumored corruption and the buyout smacks of a cover-up, it is still
too soon to presume fraud. What I did call for is an open and fair process to
determine how we (the City and GRU) got into this mess, which all now seem to
acknowledge was a mistake of epic proportions.
from an email sent to them with a copy of my Op-Ed piece a week before it was
published, I said:
I am not passing judgment on the proposed buyout or any
particular office-holder's responsibility, past or present, as I do not at this
time have all the facts. I am simply urging you to walk away from this proposed
buyout contract and opt fearlessly for a full and open process that will expose
the details of this entire matter, not just the most recent contract
negotiations, so that the public interest may be protected from further
grievous financial harm. Given the huge and continuing financial impact upon
the citizens of this community, your duty as a public official requires no
essence of my final argument was provided in the following statement, which I
read from the podium:
If you approve this agreement, you will be trading a
contractual obligation that the city has an inherent legal right to terminate
for its own convenience, for a long-term fiduciary obligation to bond holders
that the city cannot escape without grave damage to its credit standing until
the debt is fully paid.
[Here I paused for emphasis and said: “Think
about that.”]
You will have transformed a mere contractual obligation that
still has significant remedies in the case of fraud, misrepresentation, or
nonperformance, to one that will be enforceable against the city, no matter
what the future holds for the plant.
So, if it turns out three or five years from now that the
biomass plant will never be needed or used, you will have still committed the
public to pay off that debt. In the meantime, the GREC investors, whomever they
may be (and we still don’t know), will have their entire investment and
substantial profits “up front”, fully released under the Asset Purchase
Agreement from their responsibility to maintain the plant, answer for any
defects or misconduct, or to pay claims, and they will simply disappear. They
will walk away, scot-free.
I also
cited credible legal precedent affirming that governments always have the
inherent authority to suspend contracts, even absent a “termination for
convenience” clause. Who knew?
Darin Cooke, Utility Advisory Board Chair, didn’t know. His explanation of his “very tepid” vote in
favor of the purchase (Sunday, August 27), asserts good reasons why he should
have voted the other way, yet he reluctantly supported it, because “restarting
arbitration could cause the price of purchase to be even higher” and take “up
to a year”, thereby “accumulating another $75 million to GREC’s coffers with no
benefit to rate payers”. Yet if the City terminated the PPA, stopped making
payments, putting them instead into escrow, this outcome could be avoided.
Fuller got it right in his Sunday, August 27 cartoon in which GREC’s Jim Gordon
is pictured saying, “Who says money doesn’t grow on trees?”
appears none of this matters, the arguments made by the public “fell on deaf
Fuller Cartoon Re GRU Rates.jpg