Robert Mounts
Active Citizen
I have over 45 years of public service to my state and country and have spent much of the years back home since 2014 in Gainesville heavily engaged in public policy as an "active citizen". I will continue to stay engaged, both as a former neighborhood association leader, current President of the Matheson History Museum, Inc., and until the Gainesville Sun cancelled its opinion section in November, 2022, as a monthly contributor to the Gainesville Sun. Visit the "News" section to see a collection of my monthly opinion pieces published in the Sun. Visit the "Issues" section to see other writings.
City Commission ends assault on single-family zoning
City Commission takes first vote to reinstate single-family zoning
Supporting the Matheson History Museum on the Ilene Silverman Show
The Matheson History Museum's Executive Director, Kaitlyn Hof-Mahoney, and I, as Board President, had the distinct pleasure of appearing on the Ilene Silverman Show the past two weekends, including WUFT-TV, to promote the good work of the museum. A short video without commercials of the show appears here: https://youtu.be/YfdeflOFFNE.
Past time to end capital punishment in America
This is likely my last opinion piece in The Gainesville Sun. Opinion Page Editor, Nathan Crabbe, has just informed me that this is his last week at the paper and that the paper will not accept any opinion pieces after his departure. Mark today, November 1, 2022, as the end of reasoned dialogue in the local paper; it is a sad day for local journalism and debate.
Still, I am glad to get this one on the public record. It is past time to end capital punishment in America.
High time for a moratorium on development
This piece suggests changes to the 2017 Gainesville Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code that are necessary to restore a real voice for the public in major development decisions. It was published in the Gainesville Sun on Sunday, October 2, 2022.