"GRU is at a Crossroads"; Gainesville Sun "Gets It"
By The Gainesville Sun editorial board (Sunday, February 17, 2019)
Bielarski makes the case that Gainesville Regional Utilities is “at a
crossroads” in a white paper issued earlier this month.
The GRU general manager
is partially right — only it’s the city of Gainesville as a whole that is at a
crossroads. With the city-owned utility experiencing rising costs and debt at a
time when its reserves and revenues have declined, hard decisions have to be
made to shore up GRU’s finances that affect the overall city budget.
The City Commission this
year will be faced with several unpleasant options. They include cutting GRU’s
budget and restructuring its debt, lowering the transfer of utility revenues to
the general government budget, cutting municipal programs and services, raising
property taxes or some combination of these options.
Higher utility rates are
likely coming as well. A recent study of GRU’s finances by the firm Public
Financial Management projected annual electric rate hikes over five years,
further increasing rates that are already among the state’s highest.
Some current and former
city officials say the focus should be less on rates than on household energy
consumption, a measure in which GRU ranks better than many utilities. But
Bielarski argues that the success of energy conservation and solar energy
programs have harmed GRU’s bottom line by significantly decreasing local
electricity use.
There are social benefits
provided by encouraging the use of renewable energy and helping lower-income
residents make home improvements that decrease their utility bills. But GRU’s
financial challenges should force city commissioners to better account for the
cost of these benefits.
These problems are hard
to swallow so soon after the community was sold on the need to spend $750
million to purchase the biomass power plant from its private owners, in order
to escape from a costly contract to buy power from it. The purchase did produce
initial savings for customers, but these savings are quickly being erased by
rising rates.
Bielarski traces GRU’s
financial troubles further back than the biomass plant. In addition to a push
for conservation that started in 2006 and a solar feed-in tariff started in
2009, which pays system owners a set price over 20 years for the energy they
produce, he cites a huge jump in debt.
GRU’s debt doubled
between fiscal years 2000 and 2013, according to the white paper. The utility
invested in several major projects over that time including installing
air-pollution controls at its coal-fired power plant and building its Eastside
Operations Center.
GRU’s sizable debt, along
with the consequences of a 2012 debt refinancing, must be kept in mind as a
restructuring of debt is now considered. Bielarski argues for that option in
combination with others, including freezing or reducing the transfer.
City commissioners have
to think about GRU’s fiscal health as well as the well-being of the city as a
whole in developing a budget in the coming months. Some shared sacrifice is
needed, including lowering the city’s reliance on the transfer.
Whatever commissioners
do, they must not kick problems down the road — and put the city and GRU at
another crossroads in a few years.